In working with clients on developing pre-employment testing systems, I’ve heard the expression “The Customer Service Gene,” or some variant of it, dozens of times. I like it because it transmits the idea that some people have it and some do not. It casually underlines the idea that there are some things you cannot train away. But, having good genes only provides potential. They only translate into high performance if nurtured through good training, coaching, and performance management.

I thought about what makes up the CSG while reading this interview with Jonathan Tisch. One thing that has always struck me when analyzing call center work is that there are only so many types of customer issues an agent encounters, but the customer’s circumstances are much more variable. The best agents are those who can be empathetic to unique circumstances while applying problem solving skills and creativity.

We also have to consider that there may be several sets of CSGs and that those which are the “best” really depend on the situation. For instance, there’s good data that suggest that those who call a contact center have different customer service expectations that those who text/e-mail. The former is looking for more of a personal interaction whereas the latter’s criteria for a good experience is getting the problem solved. Both sets of agents need to be creative problem solvers, but only one also has to have superior interaction skills.

The good news is that there are valid tests that assess candidates on these attributes that are cost effectively. Using them will help you identify who has the appropriate CSG (or at lest a lot of it) for your contact center.

For more information on the Customer Service Gene and validated pre-employment testing programs, please contact Warren Bobrow.