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How Strategy Fits with Buying or Developing Talent
There was big news recently about Disney’s decision to buy LucasFilm, George Lucas’s company which is best known for owning the Star Wars franchise (movies, books, consumer products tie-ins, etc.) and the special effects house Industrial Light and Magic. Disney made...
A Few Thoughts on Doing Things They way They’ve Always Been Done
Because We Have Always Done it That Way Our economy is always changing and evolving. Adults, regardless of age, can think of a product or service that we used 10 years ago that does not (or barely) exist any more. When the companies that made the product go out of...
The Battles Selection Specialists Fight and a Question
Imagine you are the V.P. of H.R. (or other position where you are responsible for the quality of people being hired by your organization) and your C.E.O is quoted in a national newspaper with the following excerpt: Q. Give me an example of how you [get a sense of...
Debates and Leadership
I find that the presidential (and vice presidential) debates serve as much of a Rorschach test than anything else. By the time they occur, nearly everyone who is watching has already decided who they are going to vote for, so the interest is in how their impressions...
California HR Legislation—Fall 2012
CA Governor Jerry Brown recently took action on two human resources related bills. They include: Veto of expanded rights for domestic workers. Signing a bill that allows some illegal immigrants to obtain a driver’s license. The first one is important as home health...
Self Selecting Out
So, you have spent a lot of time recruiting for an open position. You get some good resumes and some of those people you talked to actually sound as if they could do the job. This group gets whittled down some more through your interviews and you want to ensure you...
Performance of Support Functions
There’s an interesting confluence of factors occurring in the National Football League (NFL) right now. The NFL has locked out its referees over a pay and benefits dispute. Why they did so is a whole other blog post. The league is now employing referees from the...
Caveat Emptor
Let’s say you’re about to purchase an employment related test. It could be for hiring entry level personnel, help make a promotional decision or for providing feedback to people on their skills. There are about 50,000 of these available and several that purport to...
The EEOC has announced a draft of its strategic enforcement plan:
No, This Will be Good For You
Is receiving feedback rewarding? Perhaps, if it’s positive. But, feedback providers tend to borrow from behaviorist psychology (Skinner, etc) in assuming that getting the feedback will result in learning, much in the same way that rewarding a behavior will. In most...
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