In a previous post I talked about using the Marshmallow Challenge to provide insight into cultures that support risk taking. Taking the stigma out of making mistakes is one way to encourage creativity.
Taking this to the next level are FUN nights (note that curse words figure prominently into the article). This is where entrepreneurs are encouraged to share their failures with others. The thought is that the process makes people more relatable than if they only share your successes. The promoters feel this leads to better networking among the members.
Organizations could adopt this approach as well, but it would take a bit of a balancing act. Most companies want their executives to be approachable, but also want them seen as competent. Employees want to avoid being branded as “the person who had the bad experience.”
The key is to not just share stories of failure. Rather, talk about growth. When executives reveal experiences about what they learned from mistakes, others can see that risk taking, and the inevitable missteps that come with it, are part of the process of becoming successful.
From a selection perspective, there are traits you can look for in hiring potential leaders who are pre-disposed to this kind of learning. One is openness to experience. The other is self-confidence. Validating these types of measures will help you hire people who are willing to confront their mistakes and share their lessons with others.