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What Do Grades Tell Us When Hiring?
Welcome to 2018! This first link actually highlights a look at valid personality testing on a largely read website. This makes me think that the year is off to a good start in the field. Along those same lines of predicting behavior, a line of thought has always been...
Mentoring For Turnover
This is an interesting time of the year in college football in the U.S., and not just because the final games are about to be played. As head coaches who had a poor year get fired (what should constitute the criteria for firing a college football coach is a topic for...
Inviting Introverts to Lead
Whenever I teach about leadership the participants and I talk about the value of charisma. Not surprisingly, most of those in the workshop feel that the most effective leaders are these larger-than-life figures. That is, until we start talking about ones that are not...
How Committed Are You to Developing a Skilled Workforce?
The economy is in a unique position right now. Unemployment is at the lowest rate this century as is the net migration rate. This leaves employers of a skilled workforce in the position of a smaller pool of candidates in general and likely one that contains fewer...
Is Taking a Pulse Too Invasive?
Corporate culture is a tricky thing. It develops over time, but we want to change it quickly when it suits us. The business media is replete with examples of great (100 best places to work!) and toxic (see Uber, supposedly) places to work. If your job is to influence...
When Convenience Gets Under Your Skin
Whether it is Amazon planning on stores without cash registers, or being able to buy drinks in a club without your wallet, to tracking the movement of just about any goods you can think of, RFID (Radio-frequency identification) is part of lives. But, what if your CEO...
Eliminating Subtle Age Bias
Since age bias is something that could affect nearly all HR professionals, I am surprised that it does not get more attention. But, with the average age of employees in the U.S. going up (see here) and companies likely to recruit more older workers due to the...
Just Give Job Seekers the Information They Need
I’ve written in the past about ensuring that job postings are free from potential discrimination. But, summer is also the time when we think about internships and attracting early career talent. No, this is not going to be a screed about millennials and their work...
Transfer and sharing options
When two devices are installed with shareit, they get associated and connected automatically when they are in range. The good news about shareit latest version is that gigantic files can be transferred faster than the speed of Bluetooth transfer. Instead of Bluetooth,...
Accountability, Fear, and Changing a Culture
Uber finds itself in the news for lots of reasons, not all of them good. The most recent story concerns the firing of 20 employees for a variety of bad behaviors to show that they were being held accountable for their actions. I am not so concerned with whether this...
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