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Does AI Mean Bias in Hiring?
Using artificial intelligence (AI) in hiring has grabbed the attention of law makers in California, New York, and other states. The gist of the proposed California law is that any AI used in hiring would have to show no adverse impact before implementation,...
Are Companies Getting Cold WFH Feet?
The pendulum normally swings back when we see paradigms shift. As many companies made the move to work from home (WFH) with the onset of COVID-19, this article (which lacks data, by the way) there may be some rumblings from some companies to bring people back to...
Is Color-Blind Hiring Enough?
I have written previously about blind auditions and interviews. These are ideas that are now gaining a bit more traction as companies look to reduce potential racial discrimination in their hiring practices. Others look at these measures as misguided and that taking...
Training Hiring AI Not to be Biased
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) play integral roles in our lives. In fact, many of you probably came across this blog post due to a type of one of these systems. AI is the idea that machines should be taught to do tasks (everything...
Blacks Welcome to Apply
The aftermath of George Floyd’s murder has many of us asking, “What can I do better?” when it comes to ending racism. This is critical in that racial bias in hiring have changed little in 30 years. HR and I/O psychology play a unique role in that we create...
Valid Virtual Employee Selection
I wrote a couple of weeks ago about how the National Football League (NFL) had to adapt their selection procedures to deal with the pandemic. To recap, the NFL selects new players primarily through a draft of eligible college football players. Leading up...
Are We Really Going to Telecommute More?
The lasting impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on work culture will take some time to assess. We tend to overestimate changes when we are in the middle of them due to the closeness of the experience. Habits are learned over a lifetime and it takes more than a few...
Tips For Bringing People Back After COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has already affected businesses large and small. While as of this writing it is unclear we (in the US) are closer to the beginning or the end of business restrictions, we can safely assume that some businesses will not be bringing back all...
Silver Linings to Losing Some of Your Selection Processes
COVID-19 is, and will continue to, affect many parts of our work processes. One of them is how we select new employees. Yes, even with layoffs some companies are hiring now and most will be again before the end of the year. With social distancing and the...
What Are Your Company’s Selection Myths?
For North American sports fans, there is not a more public selection process than that National Football League (NFL) preparing for the annual talent draft. This is the process for allocating new players (rookies) who have finished their college careers to the...
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