ideas, work, articles, newsletter, journal

Putting Ourselves in Learners’ Shoes
When training others or delegating a task, one of the hardest things to do is presenting the information in a way the person understands. Sometimes we think of this as “explain it as you would to a 5 year old.” It really boils down to putting ourselves in...
Hiring For and Developing Resilience
I frequently hear clients talk about how they need to hire people who are resilient. When I press them on what that means to them, they come up with words and phrases like: Bends, but doesn’t break. Learns from adversity Performs well under stress Doesn’t take...
Managing WFH Scheduling Changes
As COVID cases are dropping and the vaccines are available, companies are looking to see when (if?) they are going to bring people back to offices. There are likely to be all kinds of flavors of this, ranging from: We want everybody back, Monday through...
Let Your Exit Interviews Leave the Building
One of the most intuitively appealing HR concepts is that of the exit interview. If we only knew what was going through the mind of those who chose to leave our company, we could fix our turnover problems. The thing is that there is more than enough...
Kobe Bryant and Mentorship
This week is the first anniversary of the horrible helicopter accident that took the lives of 9 people, including Kobe Bryant. I've been struck by how many stories have been told by all kids of people about how Kobe impacted their lives. With that in mind, I'm...
A View From the Other Side
As long as there are pre-employment tests there will be people who do not like taking them. That is fair—most people would like to get the job of their choosing without jumping through hoops or by going through some process which perfectly recognizes their unique (and...
Changing Behaviors, Not Just Attitudes
Events of 2020 accelerated companies’ interest in all things around diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I). This has brought out a lot of “experts” in the field and a multitude of unconscious bias training (UBT) programs to address the problem of...
Company Culture During COVID
One of my favorite quotes from Peter Drucker is “Culture eats strategy for breakfast." It speaks to the idea that we can come up with all of the great ideas we want to, but if there is not an alignment between the effort and the organization’s DNA, it is just not...
Can We Accurately Evaluate Leadership Before Someone Has a Chance to Lead?
In general, our personalities are pretty stable over our adulthood. Yes, we mature and big life events can alter us, but the building blocks of who we are as people are closer in stability to our eye color than our hair color. This stability has been important to...
Making Work From Home Work
OK, let’s all take a deep breath and say it out loud, “Work from home is not going to be temporary.” There, we did it. Now let’s talk about it. We need to acknowledge that WFM is not going to be one size fits all from an organization’s standpoint. ...
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